Hymn 74 - "Rest of the saints above,"


Rest of the saints above,

Jerusalem of God!

Who, in thy palaces of love,

That golden street have trod



To us thy joy to tell?

Those courts secure from ill,

Where God Himself vouchsafes to dwell,

And every bosom fill.



Who shall to us that joy

Of saint-thronged courts declare;

Tell of that constant sweet employ

Our spirits long to share?



And see! the Spirit's power

Has ope'd the heav'nly door,

Has brought us to that favoured hour

When toil shall all be o'er.



That rest, secure from ill,

No cloud of grief e'er stains;

Unfailing praise each heart doth fill,

And love eternal reigns.



God and the Lamb shall there

The light and temple be,

And radiant hosts for ever share

The unveiled mystery.



There only to adore,

Our souls their strength shall find:

Their life, their joy for evermore,

By sight, nor sense, defined.